Exams at Milton

During the summer term many students will be sitting GCSE exams as usual. Candidate exam timetables will be sent home with Exam Guidance and information. Also see further information on the website.

To give our students the best possible chance of success, please support our students in arriving to school on time.

If you have any queries, please ring the school and ask to speak to Helen Wassell, our Exams Officer.

We know that exams can be a challenging time for our students, we will ensure that this experience is as stress free as possible, and staff will be available throughout the day.

We understand that students may need extra breaks and a bespoke exam timetable, we are here to help.

We wish all our students every success in their exams this summer!

Exam timetable for 2023 -24

  • Exam Dates 2023 – 2024 – Coming Soon

For further information regarding exams please contact our Exams Officer:

“I think Milton is good and I like maths!“

Y6 child

“I like the teachers, and the leaders are open to student ideas.“

Y11 child

“My favourite thing is seeing my teachers everyday.“

Y3 child

“Great school – staff are brilliant.“
