Parent Carer Forum
Venn Academy Trust’s parent carer forum brings together parents across the trust.
The forum meets each term to discuss topics important to you and the trust and for the benefit of your children.
Aims of the forum
- To learn about the school community and parental viewpoints
- Raise awareness of the views of our parent community
- Share information, knowledge and skills
- Strengthen links with the community
- Triangulate viewpoints of trustees/governors, parent/carers and staff
- Consult on changes, school policy proposals and local issues in the school community.
- Chair of Trustees
- Trust Lead and Accounting Officer
- Up to three parent/carers from each school. In the event more than three volunteers express an interest, a parent/carers vote will take place.
Code of conduct
As a member of the parent carer forum, I agree to:
- Show respect to all members of the forum, by listening to and respecting a diverse range of opinions
- Maintain confidentiality on matters discussed and by not mentioning the names of individual members of the school community
- Have the best interests of all children and their parent/carers, e.g. not discussing your own child’s issues
- Avoid discussing individual circumstances. These issues will be directed to the school office.
- Held once a term
- Held remotely by Microsoft Teams (your school can provide a device and space for you to join the meeting if required)
- Expected duration of each meeting is one hour.
Find out more:
If you would like to find out more contact:
Helen Turner, Governance and Compliance Professional
Tel 01482 505030
email: forum@vennacademy.org
To express an interest – please complete this form
“Great school – staff are brilliant.“
“I like the teachers, and the leaders are open to student ideas.“
Y11 child
“I think Milton is good and I like maths!“
Y6 child
“My favourite thing is seeing my teachers everyday.“
Y3 child