Subject – PSHE

At Milton School we Aim to provide our students with a comprehensive education that promotes their personal, social and emotional well-being, as well as equips them with essential knowledge and skills to make informed decisions and lead fulfilling lives in a rapidly changing world.

We adhere to all statutory guidelines, ensuring that our PSHE curriculum meets the needs of all our children.

Statutory Requirements:

  1. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE): We fulfill the statutory requirement to provide RSE, equipping students with accurate and age-appropriate knowledge about relationships, sexuality, and sexual health. Our RSE curriculum promotes understanding, respect, and consent, and covers topics such as healthy relationships, consent, puberty, sexual health, contraception, and the potential risks associated with sexual activity.
  2. Health Education: Our PSHE curriculum covers health education, addressing both physical and mental health. We provide students with knowledge about the importance of a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, nutrition, and the risks of substance abuse. Additionally, we address mental health and emotional well-being, promoting resilience, positive self-image, and strategies for managing emotions and stress.
  3. Economic Education: Our PSHE curriculum incorporates economic education, ensuring that students understand key concepts related to personal finance and economic well-being. We cover topics such as budgeting, saving, banking, careers, and consumer rights and responsibilities. We aim to develop students’ financial literacy, helping them make informed decisions about money management and future career paths.
  4. Personal Development: Personal development is a vital component of our PSHE curriculum. We provide opportunities for students to develop their self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Our curriculum emphasizes the importance of personal values, resilience, decision-making skills, and managing risk. We also address issues such as identity, diversity, equality, and human rights, fostering inclusive and respectful attitudes.
  5. Citizenship: Our PSHE curriculum encompasses citizenship education, promoting students’ understanding of their rights and responsibilities as active members of society. We cover topics such as democracy, justice, rule of law, and participation in the community. We encourage students to engage in social action and make positive contributions to society, preparing them to become responsible and ethical citizens.

Through our comprehensive PSHE curriculum, we strive to nurture well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for their personal growth, healthy relationships, informed decision-making, and successful futures.

By meeting all statutory requirements, we ensure that our students receive an education that supports their holistic development and empowers them to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Further information

“I think Milton is good and I like maths!“

Y6 child

“I like the teachers, and the leaders are open to student ideas.“

Y11 child

“My favourite thing is seeing my teachers everyday.“

Y3 child

“Great school – staff are brilliant.“
