Our Curriculum Offer
Every pupil admitted to Milton School has been on a unique educational journey. We are committed to being a positive and stabilising setting that bridges to continued education, whether that be to another mainstream school or a specialist setting. Students are with us for varying amounts of time: some individuals will have a very short time with us while others can remain in the provision longer.
Our curriculum therefore needs to be flexible, personalised and designed to enable pupils to progress to the next stage on their educational journey. Our aim is to provide a curriculum that enables each child to shine: to nurture their individual talents and raise aspirations.
The core purpose of our school is to enable pupils to access their entitlement to be educated in line with Article 28 of the UN Convention on the rights of a child
The curriculum is designed to:
- Re -engage all students as learners
- Enhance the self – perception of students as learners
- Inspire and motivate pupils, fostering a curiosity to learn
- Enable all students to make progress from their individual starting points and to have success in learning underpinned by a focus on developing pupils’ social development, emotional wellbeing and mental health
- Focus on developing students’s social, emotional and mental health
- Have a strong curriculum focus on the facilitating subjects of Reading, English and Mathematics
- Allow pupils to explore subjects beyond the core curriculum
- Support all students to lead healthy and safe lifestyles
- Support all students to develop the skills, behaviours and attitudes that will enable them to reintegrate to and be successful in the next phase of their education
In-depth understanding of attachment theory, child development and neuroscience underpins and informs all aspects of Milton School. Using this evidenced based research and theory ensures the greatest outcomes for our learners (for both academic and personal development).
The principles that underpin our pedagogy and all curriculum learning are:
- The relationships are key
- Children’s learning is understood developmentally
- Milton School provides a symbolic secure base creating the sense of safety to enable pupils to explore and learn
- All behaviour is communication
- The importance of transition in children’s lives
The PSHE curriculum and embedded British Values & SMSC will ensure that Milton School fulfils all our statutory obligations under equality legislation.

“I think Milton is good and I like maths!“

“Great school – staff are brilliant.“

“My favourite thing is seeing my teachers everyday.“

“I like the teachers, and the leaders are open to student ideas.“