A fun, creative and engaging couple of days in class 4. The children have been working hard on their creative skills, number skills and collaborative skills as we worked and played together in our different provision areas. Well done class 4, we are super proud of you. Mr Ducker, Mrs Potts and Mrs Teixeira.

A fun, creative and engaging couple of days in class 4. The children have been working hard on their creative skills, number skills and collaborative skills as we worked and played together in our different provision areas. Well done class 4, we are super proud of you. Mr Ducker, Mrs Potts and Mrs Teixeira.
Today Early Explorers have worked together to create our Chinese Dragon head. This has provided lots of language and communication opportunities. The children selected different materials and we talked about colours and textures. We can’t wait to dance with it at our Stay and learn celebration.

Today Early Explorers have worked together to create our Chinese Dragon head. This has provided lots of language and communication opportunities. The children selected different materials and we talked about colours and textures. We can’t wait to dance with it at our Stay and learn celebration.
We have had great fun today learning all about different habitats and where animals live! We have looked at different climates around the world and how animals survive in different conditions.

We have had great fun today learning all about different habitats and where animals live! We have looked at different climates around the world and how animals survive in different conditions.

“I like the teachers, and the leaders are open to student ideas.“

“My favourite thing is seeing my teachers everyday.“

“Great school – staff are brilliant.“

“I think Milton is good and I like maths!“