Milton School Admissions

Pupils must have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) before they are referred to the school by Local Authorities and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information & Advisory Support Service (SENDIASS). Before Milton School is formally named by the Local Authority as an appropriate placement, consultation with parents/ carers takes place. This ensures consideration of the following:

  • Parental preference.
  • Suitability of provision (age/ability/degree of need).
  • Impact on the provision of other pupils.

If parents / carers would like to arrange an informal visit to view the school, they should contact the school office.

If any parents / carers want to make further enquiries about their child’s admission to Milton School, with either an EHCP or Statement of Special Educational Needs please contact the school office on:

How can I visit the School?

We welcome potential pupils and their parents to come and look around the school and have a chat about what we can provide as a Special School. If you are interested in your child attending Milton School, please contact the School Office and we can arrange this for you.

Further information

“My favourite thing is seeing my teachers everyday.“

Y3 child

“I like the teachers, and the leaders are open to student ideas.“

Y11 child

“I think Milton is good and I like maths!“

Y6 child

“Great school – staff are brilliant.“
