KS4 Curriculum & Intent
Our KS4 Curriculum is designed to match the context of our school, to build on learning from home and previous mainstream education and to meet the needs of our pupils.
Our KS4curriculum includes the statutory elements at a level appropriate to the stage and age of our pupils and it is centred around the essential knowledge and skills that our pupils need. It is a broad and rich programme of education which supports the development of functional academic learning, discovers talents and interests and secures positive communication and interaction skills, which we consider to be vital ingredients to be successful in later life.
Our KS4 Curriculum prepares our pupils for adulthood by:
- Teaching pupils knowledge and skills to manage their life outside of school
- Developing positive relationships with others
- Giving pupils a voice
- Introducing pupils to the world of work
- Preparing our pupils for further education and the wider world by providing accreditation routes
- Giving pupils a wide range of experiences outside of school
- Helping pupils to believe they can make a positive difference
- Helping pupils to embrace their differences and acceptance and celebration of individuality
- Continually working on their EHCP targets through dedicated EHCP time
The ASDAN route gives pupils the opportunity to access 9 life skills challenges over the year in 3 different vocational areas:
- Hospitality
- Land based studies
- Media
These challenges will equip pupils with a range of life skills and experiences. These experiences will help to inform decisions on courses that they may want to pursue in further education.
The ASDAN route will also give pupils the opportunity to gain their Entry Level 1 in Maths and English through AQA and Pearson.
The BTEC route gives pupils the opportunity to access 2 BTEC courses of their choice plus Science. The options for this year are:
- Art
- Sport
- Hair and beauty
- Digital Media
These will be delivered as a BTEC award which will also incorporate careers through developing a personal progression plan. The personal progression plan focuses on jobs pupils may want when they leave school and developing a plan on how they can achieve their goals.
The BTEC route will also give pupils the opportunity to gain up to entry level 3 in Maths and English through AQA and Pearson.
As well as these areas pupils will still access lessons such as READING/PHONICS, PSHE, R.E, P.E, COOKING

“I think Milton is good and I like maths!“

“My favourite thing is seeing my teachers everyday.“

“I like the teachers, and the leaders are open to student ideas.“

“Great school – staff are brilliant.“