Home School Partnership

We greatly value our relationships with our parents/carers and recognise that our students benefit when we work together as partners. We arrange regular meetings throughout the year with parents/carers to discuss their child’s needs and have an ‘open door policy’ at all times to discuss any concerns.

The ‘Home School Agreement’ is a commitment from both parents/carers and the school, to ensure that every child is valued as an individual and encouraged to develop to their full potential.

We welcome the views of parents and love to hear about the things we are doing well and also anything that parents think that we could do better.

During your admission meeting you will be handed a copy of the agreement to sign.

Further information

  • Home School Partnership – Coming soon

“My favourite thing is seeing my teachers everyday.“

Y3 child

“I think Milton is good and I like maths!“

Y6 child

“I like the teachers, and the leaders are open to student ideas.“

Y11 child

“Great school – staff are brilliant.“
